Fortnite Shot Caller skin ✨


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It's your move. Take your shot.


Shot Caller is a charismatic embodiment of strategic brilliance and unwavering leadership that strides onto the dynamic realm of Fortnite with an air of authority and a dash of tactical finesse. This skin is a testament to the art of orchestrating victory, combining a commanding presence with a shrewd mind.

Shot Caller’s visage is a symphony of calculated poise, with a gaze that emanates both unspoken authority and keen perception. Eyes that glint with strategic brilliance peer out from beneath a confident brow, exuding a combination of resolute determination and cool composure.

Within the depths of Shot Caller’s gaze, a complex tableau of plans and maneuvers unfolds, reflecting the intricate choreography of a battlefield mastermind. Their eyes hold the essence of a strategist’s acumen and the unshakable belief in their ability to outmaneuver any challenge.

Their attire is a fusion of military precision and sharp elegance, with a uniform that speaks of years spent honing both combat skills and tactical insight. Decorative insignias and patches adorn their clothing, marking them as a leader whose decisions can turn the tide of battle.

Every movement made by Shot Caller is a demonstration of deliberate intention, a choreography that mirrors the calculated steps of one who commands the battlefield. As they traverse the Fortnite battleground, the air seems to hum with the energy of their presence, a subtle recognition of their role as a master of strategy and leadership.

Shot Caller’s presence serves as a reminder that within the chaos of battle, those who can guide and command have the power to shape the outcome. This skin beckons you to embrace the mantle of leadership, to navigate the intricate web of tactics and alliances, and to emerge as a true shot caller on the ever-evolving canvas of Fortnite.

So… Shot Caller is a male outfit presented by a brutal and very handsome young man with black long bangs and very kind black eyes. He has blue cool cap and lower part of his face is covered with dark blue mask.

He is wearing white jacket with high blue collar and some brown leather straps. He has many pockets to take some stuff. On his hands he has brown and dark blue leather gloves. Below he is wearing baggy blue trousers decorated with some black details and some black straps. By the way, he has black and white protections on his lower legs. Finally, the image is being completed with comfortable blue boots.

All in all, the outfit looks very brutal and sportive. Looking at his body shape, we might say that he is very strong and he definitely knows how to fight but I guess that it is not the only he can do well.

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Skin Details


🪪 Skin name:  Shot Caller
🗂️ Type: Outfit
🟡 Rarity: RARE
🛍️ Battle Pass:
🛍️ Price (V-Bucks): 1200
🗓️ Release Date: 2019-08-20
🗓️ Last Seen: 2022-11-13
🆔 ID: CID_428_Athena_Commando_M_UrbanScavenger
Introduced in Chapter 1 - Season 9.
Part of the Metro Squad set.

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  • Shot Caller

    Shot Caller is a charismatic embodiment of strategic brilliance and unwavering leadership that strides onto the dynamic realm of Fortnite…