Fortnite Peekaboo skin ✨


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Peekaboo Fortnite skin is a female outfit presented by a clown-girl. She looks more scary than attractive in general. Her outfit consists of sleeveless sports shirt presented in two colors ñ orange and green, purple trousers and high lace-up shoes in red color. She has a green band on her right arm and a flower on the same hand. Her left hand is decorated with stars painted. Her face is scary because of the make-up, it looks pale with bright purple eyes and red nose and lips. There is a backpack the same color as her trousers ñ a little bit purple and green. Her left leg is protected with purple iron inset right on her shoe. Her hair is red and tied in two tails. If to hide her face with another mask or just erase the make-up, she supposed to look prettier, I guess.

Fortnite Peekaboo, the embodiment of mischievous charm and tactical brilliance in the Fortnite universe. This skin flawlessly captures the essence of playful curiosity while exuding an aura of calculated strategy.

Dressed in a vibrant costume complete with a bear mask and oversized gloves, Peekaboo brings a sense of whimsy to the battlefield. The attire, seemingly lighthearted, is a clever disguise that allows her to blend into her surroundings while plotting her next move.

Peekaboo’s mask, resembling a playful bear, reflects her dual nature – a combination of innocence and cunning. It’s a symbol of her ability to switch between a childlike curiosity and a strategic focus, adapting to situations with a creative flair and a keen mind.

In one hand, Peekaboo wields a weapon that resonates with her persona – a tool designed for calculated strikes and well-timed tactics. Her movements are a blend of childlike enthusiasm and calculated brilliance, as she dances through the battlefield with the energy of play and the strategy of a mastermind.

Choosing the Peekaboo Fortnite skin is to embrace the spirit of playful strategy, to channel the energy of imagination and blend it with tactical brilliance. It’s an acknowledgment that battles aren’t just about force but also about innovative tactics and well-planned maneuvers. Peekaboo is more than a skin; she’s an embodiment of childhood wonder and battle-ready intelligence, a symbol that even amidst the most intense of confrontations, a touch of curiosity and calculated creativity can guide you to victory.

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Skin Details


🪪 Skin name:  Peekaboo
🗂️ Type: Outfit
🟡 Rarity: Epic
🛍️ Battle Pass:
🛍️ Price (V-Bucks): 1500
🗓️ Release Date: 2018-09-23
🗓️ Last Seen: 2023-09-12
🆔 ID: CID_220_Athena_Commando_F_Clown
Introduced in Chapter 1 - Season 5.
Part of the Party Parade set.

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Party Parade SET

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