Fortnite Pillar skin ✨


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This isn't even my final form.


Introducing Pillar, the embodiment of strength and resilience in the Fortnite universe. This skin is a testament to unwavering determination and unyielding fortitude, capturing the essence of a warrior who stands tall amidst the chaos of battle.

Pillar’s appearance is a striking blend of modern armor and ancient warrior aesthetics. Picture a suit of intricately detailed, metallic armor adorned with engravings that tell tales of battles fought and victories won. The armor exudes an aura of timelessness, as if it has been worn by legendary warriors throughout the ages.

The centerpiece of Pillar’s ensemble is a majestic helmet, crafted with precision and adorned with a regal plume. The helmet not only offers formidable protection but also gives your character an imposing presence, inspiring both fear and respect on the battlefield.

Your character’s boots are sturdy and well-worn, a testament to the countless miles they’ve covered in the pursuit of victory. Pillar also wields a massive, ornate battleaxe, its blade etched with ancient runes, ready to cleave through adversaries with unparalleled force.

When you equip the Pillar skin, you’re not just selecting an outfit; you’re embodying the spirit of an indomitable warrior, a guardian of honor and protector of allies. Your every move and action speak of a relentless determination to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

With Pillar, you’ll leave your mark in Fortnite as a symbol of unbreakable resolve, a sentinel of strength in a world of chaos. So, embrace the power of the Pillar skin and stand as a beacon of unwavering determination on the battlefield, inspiring others to rise up and face adversity head-on.

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Skin Details


🪪 Skin name:  Pillar
🗂️ Type: Outfit
🟡 Rarity: RARE
🛍️ Battle Pass:
🛍️ Price (V-Bucks): 1200
🗓️ Release Date: 2019-07-14
🗓️ Last Seen: 2022-10-25
🆔 ID: CID_451_Athena_Commando_M_Caterpillar
Introduced in Chapter 1 - Season 9.
Part of the Chrysalis Crew set.

Item Shop History

Appearance in the Item ShopDays ago
October 25th, 2022 550 Days ago
January 12th, 2022 836 Days ago
September 10th, 2021 960 Days ago
March 13th, 2021 1141 Days ago
July 15th, 2019 1748 Days ago
July 14th, 2019 1749 Days ago

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Chrysalis Crew SET

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