Fortnite Riot skin ✨


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Defining the pre-post-punk-post-hardcore scene.


The Riot Fortnite skin portrays a character who is not just a participant in the game, but a symbol of rebellion and determination. This skin captures the essence of a fighter who is unafraid to challenge the status quo and stand up against the odds.

Riot skin is a male outfit presented by a punk man. The personsí nickname presents his whole body ñ he reminds a rebel. His hairstyle is mohawk or, so-called, Iroquois and it is pink. He is wearing a leather sleeveless jacket with a nanny goat print in black-and-white colors, and it looks stylish. He has several tattoo arts on his hands presenting a mouse with lips, fried chicken or something as meaningless as it is. He has fingerless leather black gloves with sharps and squared jeans with pockets all over them. His legs are highly protected with lace-up shoes and iron insets up to his knees. It must be biker protection because people looking like him usually have a bike, but who knows.

Dressed in a tactical outfit that merges combat readiness with a sense of rebellion, the Riot skin commands attention. The character’s attire exudes an aura of defiance, with elements that suggest a willingness to break free from convention and fight for their cause. The mix of protective gear and rebellious accessories creates a striking visual that immediately sets the Riot skin apart.

What truly makes the Riot skin unique is the fiery determination in the character’s eyes and posture. The skin’s animations radiate an air of confidence, suggesting a player who is not just skilled in combat, but unwavering in their beliefs. Every movement, every action, speaks to a commitment to their cause and the courage to challenge even the toughest adversaries.

Equipped with weapons that align perfectly with their defiant persona, the Riot skin’s animations bring a sense of purpose to every engagement. Each move they make embodies the spirit of a fighter who is resolute in their mission.

Selecting the Riot skin isn’t just about changing your appearance in Fortnite; it’s about embracing the role of a rebel and a fighter for change. It’s a reminder that victories are achieved by those who are willing to go against the grain and fight for what they believe in. The Riot skin stands as a symbol of defiance, determination, and the courage to stand up against any challenge that comes their way.

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Skin Details


🪪 Skin name:  Riot
🗂️ Type: Outfit
🟡 Rarity: RARE
🛍️ Battle Pass:
🛍️ Price (V-Bucks): 1200
🗓️ Release Date: 2018-11-28
🗓️ Last Seen: 2023-10-01
🆔 ID: CID_268_Athena_Commando_M_RockerPunk
Introduced in Chapter 1 - Season 6.
Part of the Volume 11 set.

Item Shop History

Appearance in the Item ShopDays ago
October 1st, 2023 208 Days ago
August 12th, 2023 258 Days ago
June 27th, 2023 304 Days ago
May 11th, 2023 351 Days ago
March 14th, 2023 409 Days ago
February 4th, 2023 447 Days ago
December 31st, 2022 482 Days ago
November 25th, 2022 518 Days ago
October 2nd, 2022 572 Days ago
June 30th, 2022 666 Days ago
June 29th, 2022 667 Days ago
May 24th, 2022 703 Days ago
March 23rd, 2022 765 Days ago
February 9th, 2020 1538 Days ago
March 5th, 2019 1879 Days ago
January 13th, 2019 1930 Days ago
November 28th, 2018 1976 Days ago

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